When your wellbeing is at stake,
  •    Would you rather rely on science or on blind faith? 
  •   Do you prefer a practice that is realistic or one-sided? 
As a migraine sufferer looking to improve your quality of life, these are important questions. 

Have you ever heard someone say "Try and think positive thoughts to ease your headache pain"? Does that sort of advice annoy you?

I have advocated positive psychology to limit migraine suffering previously in this blog and on my website. It's easy to confuse this with "positive thinking". Let's make sure we understand the difference, and how the two approaches might work out for you.

Positive psychology is a scientific, evidence-based discipline directed at understanding what makes us flourish and achieve more of our potential. Researchers in the field do trials to discover what works to cultivate our long term wellbeing; and practitioners like myself then use these techniques in service of their clients. Long term wellbeing, in turn, comes from setting meaningful goals and feeling that you are moving towards meeting them, having interesting and engaging work, and cultivating trusting and nurturing relationships.
Positive psychology has a solid foundation. It recognizes that you have both negative and positive thoughts and emotions. Used as a complement to medical or alternative care for your migraines, it can alleviate much of the suffering that accompanies your pain.

Positive thinking is epitomized in the book "The Secret". It tells you to visualize your goals, to cast out all negative thoughts from your mind -- and then "the universe" will attract whatever it is that you want. Positive thinking tends to concentrate on short term pleasures and external rewards.
The basic flaw in this is obvious. If positive thinking worked for everyone, we would all use it, and be happy and prosperous. Some positive thinkers succeed, but that doesn't make the practice itself useful for everyone - no proof has ever been given. 
Practically speaking, it's difficult to get away from negative thoughts. As a migraine sufferer, I know that it is impossible to do so. We are lucky to avoid despair during an attack! The goal at that point is more to get through it than to recall grand schemes about attracting what you want. After a migraine, you need to start all over again.

Positive psychology is a far better approach in migraine treatment because 
  • it is evidence-based,
  • it works from the inside out, and 
  • its focus is your long term wellbeing.
You can learn more about it here.



Positive Psychology for Migraine Sufferers

A free one-hour webinar – the first step to major improvements in your quality of life.

       Do you have migraines? Have you suffered from them for years and years?

In this webinar, you will learn how the new science of positive psychology can help you minimize much of the additional suffering that goes along with your migraines. You will have frequent opportunities to contribute and participate during the hour.

“I recommend this webinar for any migraineur wanting to learn how to ease their suffering and start living”….Kristin Hellier Richard                                                      

When: Wednesday January 23rd, 2013, @ 2 pm OR Thursday January 24th @ 8 pm Eastern Time. You choose which time best suits you!  

Then please click the Time Zone Converter to see the start time where you are - if you have difficulty with this, please contact me.

Please click HERE to register for the webinar at your preferred time.

  • We’ll start with your current situation,
  • You’ll learn the essentials of positive psychology,
  • We’ll look at when you should use the positive psychology migraine solution, and
  • Outline the specific benefits that you will be able to realize – such as a better personal and family life, and a more rewarding career.  After that,

  • I’ll show you some simple practices to improve your quality of life immediately,
  • Give you some great reference material, and
  • Offer you the opportunity to participate in a teleseminar series adapted from the original work of one of the founders of Positive Psychology.

Just click HERE to register for this free on-line webinar -- either on the afternoon of the 23rd or the evening of the 24th!

Your Hosts: (1) Darlene Chrissley, MCC is a creative being and a trailblazer in coaching at home and abroad;

                      (2) Louise Crooks (a migraineur herself) 
is a business coach - coaching folks in fields of wellness and transformation, inspiring them to make a difference, and providing them with the building blocks to do it. 

Webinar Leader:  Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC, is a professional coach who has lived with migraines for more than 30 years, yet has carved out a successful life and career. Gerry now gives back to other migraine sufferers, using his expertise in the field to apply new scientific discoveries to combat the impact of migraine.

                Please click HERE to register for the online webinar of your choice!

Should your quest for migraine relief be endless?

I've been reading yet another article about recent research into the causes of migraine - it's called Head Agony. You can read it by clicking on the title.
Sadly, it reveals three things about the state of the research:

1. Past migraine treatments have only been found by accident.

2. We migraineurs have a special kind of brain - one that is always 'on edge', ready to set off an attack when the 'right' combination of circumstances comes along. The precise timing is the next attack is quite unpredictable.

3. The underlying cause of migraine is still unknown, and so a comprehensive cure is far off in the future.

What are the implications for you? Suppose you have tried all the various alternatives recommended by doctors and alternative practitioners, and your migraines are still not down to an acceptable level. I believe you have two choices:
  • Continue to search for a migraine remedy, regardless of how remote a successful outcome to that search might be in the near future, or
  • Focus your efforts on creating your best possible life, while learning to live with your pain.

I chose the second path many years ago. Nothing that has come forward since in the treatment world has materially improved my pain levels. Acceptance of my pain has allowed me to improve my quality of life. 

The Migraine Independence Program can lead you to the same result. Sign up using the form on this page, or register for our next webinar!


Should you consider positive psychology as a solution for the suffering and stress that goes along with your migraines?

I've developed a very simple quiz that you can take in less than 3 minutes to answer that very question!

You can take it right here, in the middle of the page.

Something Different 

We've talked about positive emotions before (see earlier post of September 30th). One of the top 10 forms of positivity is Curiosity and Interest.

Recently I came across Robert Beard's 100 Most Beautiful Words in English. I started to think about other words that have special meaning for me, such as giggling, which evokes memories of children dissolving into helpless laughter; and circus, with its combination of hard and soft sounds along with some unbeatable childhood memories. While I don't agree with all of Beard's choices, he has identified my all-time favorite word: serendipity, which means finding something while looking for something else. I like this word because it reminds us that accidents play a not insignificant role in what happens to us (think Columbus!) 

Now you may not share my fascination with words, but I hope you can glimpse what happened when I let myself be open and alive to new possibilities. Intense curiosity pulled me to learn more and there was no need of a teacher. 

The things that fascinate you can have the same effect for you. What last pulled you in by the nose? How did that experience make you feel?
I'll be holding more webinars in January 2013. Here is some feedback from one of last month's attendees:

"Introducing Positive Psychology for Migraine Sufferers is an informative introductory presentation on how to improve your relationship with your family, co-workers, friends, and yourself by using the tool of Positive Psychology.

Gerry Fryer, the host, is an insightful and well educated individual who made me feel very comfortable and most importantly is a migraine survivor of over 30 years. He understands how devastating migraines can be.

By the end of the session I had a lot of “positive energy” and felt the need to inform others. In just that hour I learned some things about myself that I can improve upon that I had not even realized.

I recommend this Webinar for any migraineur to learn how to ease their suffering and start living. It is not about changing your current treatment plan you have with your physician --- however, if you are tired of fighting battles with yourself, this is a great way to learn how to recognize that and a way to get the tools of how to change your mind and behaviors.

It's a lifestyle, a conscious choice, a want and a will to be Here, Happy and Healthy! Give this Webinar a try, what do you have to lose? Isn't your life worth it?"

-- Kristina Hellier Richard

Join me in January to learn and experience more about how the practice of positive psychology can help you deal with your migraines!

Be well,


Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC

[email protected]


                   Positive Psychology for Migraine Sufferers…in the evening

    A free evening one-hour webinar - which could lead to major improvements in your quality of life.

               Do you have migraines? Have you suffered from them for years and years?

In this webinar, you will learn how the emerging science of positive psychology can help you minimize much of the additional suffering that goes along with your migraines. You will be able to participate throughout the hour.

     ** Attending the webinar entitles you to a $50 credit on my follow-up 4 week course! **

Please click HERE to register for this session.
  •         We’ll start with your current situation
  •         Learn the basics of positive psychology
  •         Establish when it’s the right time to use positive psychology as your migraine solution
  •         Look at the specific benefits that you will be able to realize – such as a better personal and family life, and a more rewarding career.
And then
  •         I’ll show you some practices that will start improving your quality of life immediately
  •        Give you some great reference material, and
  •        Offer you the opportunity to participate in a follow-up 4 week webinar series which is  adapted from the seminal work of one of the founders of Positive Psychology.                       
"Positive psychology for migraines? Who'd have thought? Gerry Fryer's webinar on the topic fully dissects the realities of life with migraines and offers doable strategies that anyone can master with practice. Pain doesn't have to dictate your life and Gerry's approach to taking back control of your life is transformational!"                                                  --    Trish Robichaud

Just click HERE to register for this unique free on-line webinar!

Session Leader:  Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC, is a professional coach who has had migraines for more than 30 years, yet has carved out a rewarding life and career.

Gerry now gives back to other migraine sufferers, using his expertise in the field to apply new scientific discoveries to combat the impact of migraine.

When: Wednesday November 14th, 2012, 8pm EST. Please click Time Zone Converter to see the start time for where you are - if you have any difficulty with this, please send an email to [email protected]. The webinar will run for one hour.

Where:  online                                                Click HERE to register for this breakthrough experience!

Most of us gained an hour of daylight this weekend by the simple tactic of winding our timing devices back (or equivalent:)).

As migraine sufferers, is there a comparable way to heal ourselves inside, so that we can limit the amount of stress and suffering caused by our affliction? Let me tell you the story of Victor Frankl.

Frankl wrote a book called “Man’s Search for Meaning”, in which he described his experiences in Nazi concentration camps from 1942 to 1945. He lost his entire family yet he survived. As a keen observer of life, he realized that there were people like himself whose spirits even  the harshest of cruelties could not break. He wrote:

“…everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Your cruelties come from within.  At any time you remain free to choose to change your attitude towards your pain. I can help you do just that.

Another of Frankl’s teachings:

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is the power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Your stimulus is pain; up until now your reactions to pain have been based on your long term conditioning, or on the emotional climate of the day. If you could utilize the ‘space’ by learning a more productive response to pain, wouldn’t that be worthwhile?

Later this week, I will be announcing a migraine webinar to show you how to implement Frankl’s ideas in your life. To learn more and register early, please go to


In earlier posts, I drew the distinction between migraine pain and suffering. Here Lori Deschene generalizes the pain & suffering dichotomy, and then offers six strategies for limiting what we can generate so effortlessly in our minds - and at such a steep cost -  as a result of pain.

I hope there are one or two ideas here that you can use.

Thanks to Maia Duerr for forwarding this to me.            

Next time you are in migraine suffering mode, remember:

  • We have more power to change our mood than we realize
  • Do something different, something you wouldn't normally do
  • Try reaching out to another in kindness.

Be well,


Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC

[email protected]



           Positive Psychology for Migraine Sufferers

A free one-hour webinar - that could lead to major improvements in your quality of life.

       Do you have migraines? Have you suffered from them for years and years?

In this webinar, you will learn how the new science of positive psychology can help you minimize much of the additional suffering that goes along with your migraines. There will be many opportunities for you to participate during the hour.

                        Please click HERE to register for the webinar! 

  • We’ll start with your current situation

  • Learn the essentials of positive psychology

  • Establish when it’s the right time to use the positive psychology migraine solution

  • Look at the specific benefits that you will be able to realize – such as 
      a better personal and family life, and a more rewarding career.

And then

  • I’ll show you some simple practices that will start improving your quality of life 

  • Give you some great reference material, and

  • Offer you an at-cost opportunity to participate in a tele-seminar series which is adapted from the work of one of the founders of Positive Psychology.

                 Just click HERE to register for this free on-line webinar!

Webinar Leader:  Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC, is a professional coach who has had migraines for more than 30 years, yet has carved out a successful life and career.

Gerry now gives back to other migraine sufferers, using his expertise in the field to apply new scientific discoveries to combat the impact of migraine.

Time: Tuesday October 23rd, 2012, 2 pm EST. Please click Time Zone Converter to see the start time where you are - if you have difficulty with this, please contact me. The webinar will run for one hour.

Where:  online

                                        Click HERE to Register!

Be well and I hope to see you on the 23rd,


Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC

[email protected]


In the last few posts, I've been talking about positive psychology. Now I want to highlight a few of the positive emotions. I'll describe how you might access them, and what makes them an antidote to the stress and suffering you often feel as a migraineur. 


When someone gives you a gift without expecting to be repaid, you feel grateful, in a way that is heartfelt. When was the last time you felt this way? As you recall that occasion, how does that change your spirits right now?

Gratitude opens your heart. The appreciation you feel towards your benefactor carries with it the urge to respond, freely and with creativity.

Positive psychology techniques provide regular opportunities to experience gratitude.

Curiosity & Interest

One of the joys of life is discovery of the new, and becoming fascinated by that subject - be it a challenging new skill like salsa dancing, a book that takes you in unexpected directions, or the delight of getting to know a new friend. 

When was the last time you were "in flow" like this, when you felt super-alive, and time went by without you realizing it?

Migraine sufferers lose many of these opportunities. Positivity practices can clear the mind so that it is again open to be immersed in new interests.


I'm sure you've laughed recently. On the whole, though, having migraines is serious business, and it is worthwhile to cultivate as many opportunities to laugh as you can.

To be positive, laughter should not be at the expense of others - it should be safe. Even better,  laughing with others builds the social connections which are so valuable for the quality and length of life.

Positivity practices, such as those which teach you to be in the moment, take you out of yourself and let you see life in all its many flavors.

Learning about and practicing positive psychology will allow you to access more positive emotions, like joy, serenity, hope, inspiration and love
You will start to counteract the forces of negativity that migraines have brought into your life.

My webinar to introduce you to positive psychology in more detail is coming on Tuesday October 23rd at 2 pm Eastern Daylight Time. 
Please put it in your calendars now!