I'll be holding more webinars in January 2013. Here is some feedback from one of last month's attendees:

"Introducing Positive Psychology for Migraine Sufferers is an informative introductory presentation on how to improve your relationship with your family, co-workers, friends, and yourself by using the tool of Positive Psychology.

Gerry Fryer, the host, is an insightful and well educated individual who made me feel very comfortable and most importantly is a migraine survivor of over 30 years. He understands how devastating migraines can be.

By the end of the session I had a lot of “positive energy” and felt the need to inform others. In just that hour I learned some things about myself that I can improve upon that I had not even realized.

I recommend this Webinar for any migraineur to learn how to ease their suffering and start living. It is not about changing your current treatment plan you have with your physician --- however, if you are tired of fighting battles with yourself, this is a great way to learn how to recognize that and a way to get the tools of how to change your mind and behaviors.

It's a lifestyle, a conscious choice, a want and a will to be Here, Happy and Healthy! Give this Webinar a try, what do you have to lose? Isn't your life worth it?"

-- Kristina Hellier Richard

Join me in January to learn and experience more about how the practice of positive psychology can help you deal with your migraines!

Be well,


Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC

[email protected]


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