
Should you consider positive psychology as a solution for the suffering and stress that goes along with your migraines?

I've developed a very simple quiz that you can take in less than 3 minutes to answer that very question!

You can take it right here, in the middle of the page.

Something Different 

We've talked about positive emotions before (see earlier post of September 30th). One of the top 10 forms of positivity is Curiosity and Interest.

Recently I came across Robert Beard's 100 Most Beautiful Words in English. I started to think about other words that have special meaning for me, such as giggling, which evokes memories of children dissolving into helpless laughter; and circus, with its combination of hard and soft sounds along with some unbeatable childhood memories. While I don't agree with all of Beard's choices, he has identified my all-time favorite word: serendipity, which means finding something while looking for something else. I like this word because it reminds us that accidents play a not insignificant role in what happens to us (think Columbus!) 

Now you may not share my fascination with words, but I hope you can glimpse what happened when I let myself be open and alive to new possibilities. Intense curiosity pulled me to learn more and there was no need of a teacher. 

The things that fascinate you can have the same effect for you. What last pulled you in by the nose? How did that experience make you feel?
Gerry Fryer
20/12/2012 05:53:04 am

Migraine/Positive Psychology Quiz responses coming in at a great rate!
Thanks everyone!


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