In earlier posts, I drew the distinction between migraine pain and suffering. Here Lori Deschene generalizes the pain & suffering dichotomy, and then offers six strategies for limiting what we can generate so effortlessly in our minds - and at such a steep cost -  as a result of pain.

I hope there are one or two ideas here that you can use.

Thanks to Maia Duerr for forwarding this to me.            

Next time you are in migraine suffering mode, remember:

  • We have more power to change our mood than we realize
  • Do something different, something you wouldn't normally do
  • Try reaching out to another in kindness.

Be well,


Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC

[email protected]



           Positive Psychology for Migraine Sufferers

A free one-hour webinar - that could lead to major improvements in your quality of life.

       Do you have migraines? Have you suffered from them for years and years?

In this webinar, you will learn how the new science of positive psychology can help you minimize much of the additional suffering that goes along with your migraines. There will be many opportunities for you to participate during the hour.

                        Please click HERE to register for the webinar! 

  • We’ll start with your current situation

  • Learn the essentials of positive psychology

  • Establish when it’s the right time to use the positive psychology migraine solution

  • Look at the specific benefits that you will be able to realize – such as 
      a better personal and family life, and a more rewarding career.

And then

  • I’ll show you some simple practices that will start improving your quality of life 

  • Give you some great reference material, and

  • Offer you an at-cost opportunity to participate in a tele-seminar series which is adapted from the work of one of the founders of Positive Psychology.

                 Just click HERE to register for this free on-line webinar!

Webinar Leader:  Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC, is a professional coach who has had migraines for more than 30 years, yet has carved out a successful life and career.

Gerry now gives back to other migraine sufferers, using his expertise in the field to apply new scientific discoveries to combat the impact of migraine.

Time: Tuesday October 23rd, 2012, 2 pm EST. Please click Time Zone Converter to see the start time where you are - if you have difficulty with this, please contact me. The webinar will run for one hour.

Where:  online

                                        Click HERE to Register!

Be well and I hope to see you on the 23rd,


Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC

[email protected]
