Today I want to share with you some relevant practical research about using positive psychology for people who have chronic illness - in this case multiple sclerosis.
Here is your link: 

Key points in Dr. Manny's interview include:

  • how to counterract the knock-on effects of MS and migraine 
  • the importance of a positive attitude
  • deepening social connections
  • using gratefulness exercises

The second video is a one-on-one with Elizabeth, an MS patient. See the link below: 

The highlights of this one for me were: 
  • Elizabeth's honesty
  • how inner strength can lead to future growth
  • how a coach can help the process

Positive psychology is an important new tool which can help episodic and chronic migraine sufferers cope better with the impact of their illness...
You can look forward to a better quality of life!

Coming soon:
                     How YOU can learn how to apply Positivity in your own life.

Be well,

Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC

[email protected]   

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