There are layers of your personality that migraine can never change.

Our condition, our affliction - migraine - overwhelms us at times. Other people suffer from diseases which are similar, in that 

  • they probably will have these conditions for life, 
  • the severity (if any) will vary day to day, and 
  • the disease will attack different parts of the body. 
There is one other commonality: the attitude of the person who has the disease can make a big difference in how they handle it.

I recently discovered an article by a young woman named Karin who has had lupus since she was 23: 

Karin reminds us that lupus - or migraine - is an unwelcome johnny-come-lately in each of our worlds. 
We can take a stand by remembering who we really are:
  • what our values are 
  • the things in which we still take pleasure 
  • the people who we love
  • everything which stirs our emotions

What's your personal list of "migraine untouchables"?

Be well,


[email protected] 

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