I started this blog, and the Migraine Independence idea before it, because I wanted to show others that there was life after long term migraine. Based on my own experience and that of thousands of others, you don't have to retreat from the world if you continue to have episodic, or chronic migraine.

Yesterday I came across a post from someone who went through the same arduous journey as me and ended up in the same positive place. 

It's called "What Do You Choose". 
The author describes being hit with rheumatoid arthritis, which has a not dissimilar pattern of periodic flare-ups as migraine.

His initial despair is followed by a gradual dawning of the idea that he would not let the disease consume his whole life, and that he could construct happiness in new ways. I urge you to read Rheumatoid Arthritis Guy's post, which is written with much eloquence and grit, along with the comments. There is much to learn there.

Be well,


[email protected]

You are invited to subscribe to the Migraine Independence website, find out 

about the parallels with RA Guy's philosophy,
and get a Special Report -- see the right hand side of this page!   

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