" It was a long time before I began thinking mechanistically enough to accept migraine for what it was: something with which I would be living, the way some people live with diabetes.

And I have learned now to live with it, learned when to expect it, how to outwit it, even how to regard it, when it does come, as more friend than lodger. We have reached a certain understanding, my migraine and I. …

And once it comes, now that I am wise in its ways, I no longer fight it. I lie down and let it happen. At first every small apprehension is magnified, every anxiety a pounding terror. Then the pain comes, and I concentrate only on that. Right there is the usefulness of migraine, there in that imposed yoga, the concentration on the pain. 

For when the pain recedes, ten or twelve hours later, everything goes with it, all the hidden resentments, all the vain anxieties. The migraine has acted as a circuit breaker, and the fuses have emerged intact. There is a pleasant convalescent euphoria. I open the windows and feel the air, eat gratefully, sleep well. I notice the particular nature of a flower in a glass on the stair landing. I count my blessings.”

Joan Didion
(1968), in The White Album, 1990, Noonday Press.
Ms. Didion has written 18 books and 5 screenplays.
See also my article on accepting your migraines: http://ezinearticles.com/?Migraines:-Turn-War-Into-Peace-to-Curb-Your-Suffering&id=6444149 
Re-posted in part from That M Word: A Migraine Blog
4/2/2012 12:30:08 am

Migraines don't have to be lived with. There are lots of remedies and lifestyle changes that will totally eradicate migraines. First, eliminate caffeine and sugar. Look for other dietary triggers--MSG, etc. Take Cal Mag + D at bedtime as an alkalinizer and muscle relaxant. When a migraine occurs, treat it locally with an occipital block, a real easy injection of the occipital nerve as it exits from the skull. Lots more remedies and treatments found on my website, www.lindacheekmd.com, such as auriculotherapy.

Gerry Fryer
4/2/2012 01:30:09 am

Thanks for your comment, Dr. Cheek. With respect, you seem to suggest that you have come up with a migraine cure. I wasn't aware that this existed yet.
What I do know is that millions of people worldwide search in vain for ways to eliminate migraine. In the meantime their ability to live up to their potential in the face of pain is held back. Rather than being dismissed, any and all techniques that can help migraine sufferers get closer to their potential should be encouraged.


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