This month is National Migraine Awareness Month in the United States, as initiated by the National Headache Foundation. 

There is a  "Daily Headache Blogging Challenge" for the month. Today's challenge is to create a theme song for your personal headache disorder!  I'm taking up this gauntlet for my episodic migraines in this post.
I'd love to hear what your headache or migraine theme song might be.

I have been averaging about 10 migraine days a month recently. The sympathetic non-migraineur will ask; "How can you stand it?", while those of you who are chronic sufferers might respond with: "You're quite fortunate." As a subscriber to chronic migraine chat rooms, I realize how lucky I am to have 20 pain-free days out of 30. 

Regardless, those migraine days are very difficult. My preventative regime and then the abortive drugs cannot stop the pain that gathers over the day, the growing woolly-headedness, and whatever other bodily symptoms the monster seeks to administer in this attack. The only recourse are ice-packs and withdrawal from the scene.

And yet, as an episodic migraineur, I can now genuinely say this to my loved ones:
"Tomorrow is another day!"
I can assure you that this degree of conviction did not come all at once. Over time, I learned to focus on the good days to come, rather than what I had just been through. As I learned from little orphan Annie:
And what is your migraine theme?

Be well,

[email protected]  

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