We all know that the main attribute of a migraine is pain. A close second to that is stress - stress caused by that attack and stress caused by being a migraine sufferer in general. Do you suffer from migraine-related stress?

Now there is promise to relieve migraine stress through the science of Positive Psychology. Read to the end of this message for a great offer to introduce you to positive psychology in the coming months!
The distress caused by a migraine attack can be summed up in a few short phrases:
  • "Why me?"
  • "Why now?" (You had plans for today, and you wanted to be at your best)
  • "Not again!" 

If you are an episodic or chronic migraineur, you're familiar with the inward stress of not living up to your own standards because of your illness. You're very aware of the impact on others - you don't want to let them down, but you feel that you do. And your mind may be going into overdrive as you worry about the impact on your future if you can't resolve the migraine question.

There is an important distinction here. None of this is the migraine pain itself; it is the way you (and your brain in particular) are responding to the pain.

Now...you can start to climb towards the light.

Positive psychology research has produced a number of exciting discoveries, such as
  • Cultivating positive emotions, like gratitude and optimism, can act as an antidote to stress and improve health in general.
  • Appreciating and utilizing your strengths and personal talents can lead to great changes in how you perceive your circumstances in life. 
  • Getting involved - engagement - with people, work or hobbies is very important in relieving stress.
  • Being in the moment and savoring what happens now has wonderful benefits.

 I am excited to tell you about a a series of teleseminars called 

                            Positive Psychology for Migraine Sufferers

which will begin in October. 
If you contact me now and sign up before the end of August,
you can attend these sessions for 50% off the regular price!

Climb those stairs with me...

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