A Comeback Kid is someone who repeatedly shows the ability to overcome downturns in their life.
You’re a Comeback Kid -- because you have come through many migraine attacks and you have decided to read this post!

Resilience is your ability to bounce back from setbacks…to learn from failure…to be motivated by challenges…and to believe in your own abilities to deal with the stress and difficulties in life.
                                                 -- "The Resilience Factor”, K. Reivich & A. Shatte 

Rather than being genetic or a personal trait, being resilient is a set of skills that anyone can learn

You can acquire a group of coping strategies which will help you life your life, despite your migraine pain. 

Once you have learned to bounce back better than you are doing now, more possibilities will open up for you.    

Here are three of the most important resilience strategies:

1. Developing a greater sense of control   
     The nature of migraine is that it strikes at unpredictable times and almost every episode has a different pattern. Migraines are one part of your life which are largely out of your hands. They can crowd out your perception of everything else you are and do, but only if you allow them to do so. 
When you begin to emphasise the areas of your life where you do exercise control –      and there are many techniques to help you do that – this strategy will start to take root.   

2. Practice controlling your negative emotions  
      Negative emotions compound the challenges that migraine sufferers face. There are ways to manage them and eventually reduce them – for example, learning relaxation techniques can limit their effect before they contribute to the next headache.      Negative emotions originate with negative thoughts, and so it is possible to challenge what is behind those thoughts in order to rein in the emotions they create.   

3. Increasing positive emotions 
      When you don’t have pain or other migraine symptoms, you see the world through a wholly different lens. (Even when you are in the throes of an attack, I submit that you can find small compensations within your suffering.) 
Being aware of and attuned to the sources of joy in your life, no matter how small they seem to be at first, is a major resource in migraine management. 
Understanding what gives you real satisfaction and what gives your life its meaning will help you ride out the bad times.  

No one’s life goes smoothly. Resilience is a learned skill. 
Is it time for you to take your resilience to a higher level and open up a bigger world for yourself? `

Be well,


[email protected]

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