
Positive Psychology for Migraine Sufferers

A free one-hour webinar – the first step to major improvements in your quality of life.

       Do you have migraines? Have you suffered from them for years and years?

In this webinar, you will learn how the new science of positive psychology can help you minimize much of the additional suffering that goes along with your migraines. You will have frequent opportunities to contribute and participate during the hour.

“I recommend this webinar for any migraineur wanting to learn how to ease their suffering and start living”….Kristin Hellier Richard                                                      

When: Wednesday January 23rd, 2013, @ 2 pm OR Thursday January 24th @ 8 pm Eastern Time. You choose which time best suits you!  

Then please click the Time Zone Converter to see the start time where you are - if you have difficulty with this, please contact me.

Please click HERE to register for the webinar at your preferred time.

  • We’ll start with your current situation,
  • You’ll learn the essentials of positive psychology,
  • We’ll look at when you should use the positive psychology migraine solution, and
  • Outline the specific benefits that you will be able to realize – such as a better personal and family life, and a more rewarding career.  After that,

  • I’ll show you some simple practices to improve your quality of life immediately,
  • Give you some great reference material, and
  • Offer you the opportunity to participate in a teleseminar series adapted from the original work of one of the founders of Positive Psychology.

Just click HERE to register for this free on-line webinar -- either on the afternoon of the 23rd or the evening of the 24th!

Your Hosts: (1) Darlene Chrissley, MCC is a creative being and a trailblazer in coaching at home and abroad;

                      (2) Louise Crooks (a migraineur herself) 
is a business coach - coaching folks in fields of wellness and transformation, inspiring them to make a difference, and providing them with the building blocks to do it. 

Webinar Leader:  Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC, is a professional coach who has lived with migraines for more than 30 years, yet has carved out a successful life and career. Gerry now gives back to other migraine sufferers, using his expertise in the field to apply new scientific discoveries to combat the impact of migraine.

                Please click HERE to register for the online webinar of your choice!

Should your quest for migraine relief be endless?

I've been reading yet another article about recent research into the causes of migraine - it's called Head Agony. You can read it by clicking on the title.
Sadly, it reveals three things about the state of the research:

1. Past migraine treatments have only been found by accident.

2. We migraineurs have a special kind of brain - one that is always 'on edge', ready to set off an attack when the 'right' combination of circumstances comes along. The precise timing is the next attack is quite unpredictable.

3. The underlying cause of migraine is still unknown, and so a comprehensive cure is far off in the future.

What are the implications for you? Suppose you have tried all the various alternatives recommended by doctors and alternative practitioners, and your migraines are still not down to an acceptable level. I believe you have two choices:
  • Continue to search for a migraine remedy, regardless of how remote a successful outcome to that search might be in the near future, or
  • Focus your efforts on creating your best possible life, while learning to live with your pain.

I chose the second path many years ago. Nothing that has come forward since in the treatment world has materially improved my pain levels. Acceptance of my pain has allowed me to improve my quality of life. 

The Migraine Independence Program can lead you to the same result. Sign up using the form on this page, or register for our next webinar!