There are two distinct migraine questions:
  1. Are you a long term migraineur?
  2. Does being a migraine sufferer limit what is possible in your life?
Only pain reduction can alter your answer to the first question. Have pain reduction alternatives worked permanently for you, or not? 
What about life's possibilities in your world, a world which is constantly interrupted by the onset of migraine symptoms? Starting now, the possibilities and options that you have can start to grow.
In the last two decades, a major new field called Positive Psychology has emerged. Practitioners work with people like you to highlight and further build three crucial areas:
  • Positive emotions
  • Character strengths
  • Meaning
In study after study, and in a variety of settings, positive psychologists have helped people to 
  • become more engaged with life
  • have more hope and optimism, and
  • live in more meaningful ways.
My coaching practice is oriented around the principles of positive psychology.
I'm excited to tell you that, starting this fall, I will offering economical, interactive group seminars that will help you utilize positive psychology to expand both who you can be and what you can do.

Be well,

Gerry Fryer, MA, ACC

[email protected] 

You have it in you.

The seeds for you to build a better quality of life have already been planted. All that remains is for them to germinate and the plants to be fertilized.

When we were children, we had many natural talents. As we matured, the narrowing of scope forced upon us by society led us to grow just a few of them, and those talents became our strengths. People have different core strengths, such as integrity, or love of learning, or empathy/compassion.

Then, as migraine sufferers, so much of our energies went into dealing with our affliction that our strengths became relegated to a secondary position in our lives. How unfortunate for us and those who rely on us.

Now you want to ‘come back’. You have had enough of a situation in which migraines prevent you from exerting control of your life.

Where do you start?

Coaching is the vehicle and re-discovering your strengths is one of the first things we do when we first turn the key. This is a revelatory process for most people, and it can happen in several ways. You might recall a past situation in which you were at your very best, and work with me to highlight what that reveals about what really energizes you. Or you might complete an authoritative questionnaire that will produce your key strengths, and then see if you agree with its conclusions.

Now you know what’s right with you! Once you own your strengths again, you have the confidence to start the engine that accelerates your growth towards the life that you want.