Your potential still exists – the dark clouds of migraine are just obscuring it. I believe that you have the internal capability to be an extraordinary person, once the unnecessary suffering that is covering up your potential can give way to the light.

Where I live it has been a very early spring. This has given people the chance to walk in our parks and ravines in the uncommonly warm March and April weather. At first there was only a stark landscape – bare trees and no foliage at all. And then, gradually, I noticed that patches of green started to appear. It didn’t happen everywhere, but there were some trees that budded early, some ground covers that came alive, and even a few areas of brilliant color. This re-awakening promised that the annual abundance of summer would return.

I no longer take anything for granted. It is something of a miracle that plants which appear to be dead return to life every spring. They have retained their potential throughout the winter, dormantly waiting for the sun’s return to be the catalyst in their growth. It is a remarkable process.

All human beings have untapped potential – we are all capable of being more than we are. As a migraine sufferer, your pain has prevented you from learning, from grasping opportunities, and from just enjoying life. You have been stuck at a lower rung on life’s ladder.

Remember this: “pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” Your brain’s responses to your physical pain have been unhelpful to your progress as an individual, and they can be unlearned. You are a higher order of creation than a tree or a plant -- it is time to use your magnificent brain in a positive manner.

As the Migraine Independence Coach, I can be the catalyst for you to unlock your potential at last. We can join together in a creative process which will make your inner and outer landscapes burst alive with color.

You can contact me at [email protected], or sign up for a free introductory webinar at