As a migraine sufferer, you’ve been on the ropes for a long time.
Do you want to get back to the centre of the ring -- by regaining hope in your life?
I can help you to do it.

Victor Frankl was a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps. He observed how some of his fellow prisoners managed to retain their essential dignity despite the rigors of their daily existence. 
Frankl wrote:

 “…everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – 
to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Frankl’s teachings have resonated through the decades since World War II and have found application in many settings. Whatever your prior conditioning, no matter what the people around you are doing, you are always free to choose hope, to re-set your personal compass in a positive direction. Ultimately you are in charge; you can set your own attitude.

What is true hope? It is an emotion which arises when we understand and feel that we will have a better future. True hope is more than just optimism; we need to be aware of all the future possibilities for success or failure, in order to approach the future with realism and avoid disappointment.

If you have been pummeled by migraine for years you may feel that you have lost control of your future. Once you begin to feel that you can make a difference in your life once more, you have regained hope. That is what the Migraine Independence Program helps you to do, right from the beginning.

If a child who is buried alive by an earthquake can retain the will to live without food and water after eight days, I believe that your sense of hope can be re-kindled and nurtured and that you will thrive as a human being once more. Contact me at [email protected] and we can start a conversation that will renew your hope.